Thursday, May 1, 2008

Nokia Unveils The New Nokia 6600 Fold

With one touch of a button, the elegant Nokia 6600 fold smoothly opens to reveal a stunningly bright 2.13'' OLED screen displaying up to 16 million colors. With its seamless design, the signature "smooth back" of the Nokia 6600 fold creates a comfortable contour when open, and remains subtle and compact when closed. The high-gloss surface of the Nokia 6600 fold comes to life when tapped twice to "wake up" the hidden outer display that reveals time, incoming messages, missed calls and more. A double tap on the Nokia 6600 fold also snoozes alerts and silences or rejects incoming phone calls.

With a set of contemporary mobile features that belie its compact size, the Nokia 6600 fold is proof positive that beauty can be far more than skin deep. 3G technology allows for fast and easy sharing of pictures and videos snapped with the integrated 2 megapixel camera with double LED flash or swift access to Internet services such as Yahoo! Go or Flickr.

It will be available in Q3 2008 for 275EUR excluding taxes and subsidies.


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ツイッター said...


SMチェッカー said...


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